Sunday, November 25, 2007



- Cloning has been widely unrecommended, not just the physical act but also the research. One way to deal with the situation should be to look at cloning as a way of improving human life and of promoting the human species evolution. To understand reproductive cloning as a form of perpetuating humankind, it’s inconceivable not to think about its benefits and extremely positive results that it may have. The main points that cannot be ignored are the ones that consider reproductive cloning firstly as a reproductive right, secondly as a mean of diversity and creativity and thirdly as a responsible research.

Reproductive right

- Look, think and respect, most of all, the right of the people who had not decided not to have children but, effectively, who were imposed by nature, or maybe a case in which pregnancy fails. Consider the infertile couples who have spent several years trying to have a baby and then, in a few minutes, by being confronted with a negative result analysis, discover that they will never be able to have a child, to grab and hold that little baby that they always desired to have.

- More: look at lesbian and gay couples who were legally approved by society, who cannot be complete without the love of their children. Should that right be denied to them? By who? By the same people that accepted them in society?

- Think about your own life, each day that passes by, you are getting older. Some decided not to have children in their youth, others had their children but they are not living with theirs parents anymore. Imagine you are fifty or sixty, your wives are not capable anymore of giving birth so, you are alone, and you are going to be alone if there is no one to look after you. Cloning can solve it!

- Respect the right to conceive a child, it does not matter how, love is the only issue of concern.

Diversity and creativity

- As in the human sexual reproduction, there are differences between each baby, and so it is in reproductive cloning. You can choose how your baby is going to be, however, you can still choose to have a baby with the parents’ characteristics. If you have brown eyes, brown hair, why not choosing a child with the same features? To sum up, every parent wants to have a child who is similar to him. In spite all of this, the only thing that is copied is the physical part, not the mind. A clone is like a twin, yes, a twin. And twins have different personalities haven’t they?. We should treat clones with equal concern and respect, making sure others also do the same and assuring is completely adaptation to society and vice versa. We should face a clone like a normal human being because that’s what he really is. Once again, like twins, clones do not have identical fingertips, they don’t have identical personalities, and they do not even have noticeable similar personalities. The consequences of conceiving a clone would be more than a load of genes; the life experiences, education, the people around, the environment, they will all create a new human being with a different personality; we should not fear to lose our identity.

Responsible research right

- So, should we do what we can do?

- Research around cloning has been debated in circumstances of deciding what the limits are. How should we do it and who should do it to which people? It as been always studied, performed and tested in responsible terms. A restrict group of experts has been doing it with modest purposes and considering the risks. But these same risks are present in every medical process, and most times they are unexpected. This way, we agree that, the final result, the cloning itself, should be the one to have limits, not the research.


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