Sunday, November 25, 2007



- I would like to begin by saying that reproductive cloning is a threat to human nature.

- Just like my partner has said, we believe that reproductive cloning involves many problems such as technical failures (mutations and retardation) and appeals to moral and ethical aspects that can not be rebutted.

- We all know that hum
an cloning also advocate the genetic modification of human species, which allows the creation of “designer babies” through manipulation of individual genes.

- Now I would like to talk about three main points, the first one is “Reproductive cloning as moral threat”, the second one as to do with the wasting of time and lives destruction made by this irrational attitude and finally I would like to explain how unsafe is the reproductive cloning.

- Now I’d like to return to the positive arguments made in this debate.

- First of all I want to explain how wrong you are when you made reference to moral and ethical issues. It is against our values to use racional creatures – humans- as mere instruments just to attain one’s own selfish goals. Our stand is that “Man” has no right to play God’s role and fight their nature.

- There is always the fear that a clone would not be an “individual” but merely a “carbon copy” of someone else; that is extremely immoral because it violates the principle by using human –the clone- for egoistical purposes.

- As many scientists have pointed out, a clone would not in fact be an identical copy, but more like a delayed identical twin.

- I would like to refer to the fact that cloned children, will not be identical in every way, this will create a strange atmosphere at home and the child will be probably brought up in a highly abnormal household.

- In my second point I would like to answer to the point that says: “Allow time to scientific research will improve the results of cloning.

- This statement is surreal. How many lives will scientist take, just to improve such an immoral act? Is this really necessary? We don’t think so.

- Finally we want to contest you when you say that reproductive cloning is inherently unsafe. 95% of mammalian cloning experiments have resulted in failures, in the form of still births and life threatening anomalies; we believe that no clones are completely healthy.

- Is it necessary to put in risk hundreds of pregnancies just to achieve one single live cloned baby?

- We believe that reproductive cloning is not at all meaning of safety; the reason why this is true is proved in all the evidence that suggests clones are unhealthy and often have a number of built-in genetic defects which lead to premature ageing and death.

- I just want to finish by saying that if reproductive cloning is permitted to happen and becomes accepted, it is extremely difficult to see how any other dangerous applications of genetic engineering technology could be described.

- Where the line should be drawn? Who would control who gets cloned? Would our lives be the same?

We really don’t think so.


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