Sunday, November 25, 2007



“Playing God”?

- First of all, I would like to start by saying that reproductive cloning has received “books” of critics, but we noticed that most concerns reveal and illustrate ignorance and lack of information. Maybe some part of society is trying to hide the great benefits decurrents of cloning research. Religion has been putting pressure to finish all kinds of research that science implies and has imposed against technical progress too, especially in medicine. They objected to anaesthesia, smallpox inoculations, contraception, heart transplants, In Vitro Fertilization – on the grounds that these innovations were “unnatural” and contrary to “God’s will”.

- A solution to this problem could be to allow time to scientific research and for public’s information. There are still many discoveries and investigation programs to be done. How can we turn our backs to the knowledge that we have acquired? The more scientific research we have, the better final product we will obtain and cloning is not an exception. It is not about forgetting the negative experiments that have happened, of course like Dolly, for instance, it is about learning from them and the time spent on researching has presented many other choices to avoid or to contour them. People should focus their attention on the fact that, religion should not be an issue to prevent science from going on; this is an area where only an informed society should decide if cloning is right or wrong. “Gods will” or “Playing God” are expressions of ignorance. There is no doubt that a surgeon “Plays God” whenever he removes a cancer or an infected appendix rather than letting the patient die. We “play God” anytime we use our intelligence to improve the “natural” course of events. And now we ask: is not the abortion now legal in your country? Anytime that an abortion is made aren’t you “playing God”? So, should we consider that removing a child from his mother’s womb, and let him die is more human and less to do “Gods work” that when we deliver children to life? Nowadays, a mother can decide if she is not going to have her child but she cannot decide to have it. Now consider carefully the child who is born in a family that already have medical history of diseases, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Huntington’s, cancer, haemophilia… If we could eliminate the bad genes, wouldn’t people’s lives be improved?

- Cloning can help in transplants too, if a family member needs a replaceable organ to live in order to improve his life conditions, the result would be that a human clone can restore it. Better: imagine somebody who has passed away, genetic manipulation can even make restitutions, somebody lost can be replaced, face it like a rebirth of someone you love and can now be back into life!

- Regardless of what some people may think, scientifically, it has been proved that reproductive cloning is no less safe than natural reproduction. Probably, it is safer. HIV infected people are, unfortunately, part of our reality, we can be in love with somebody infected but we cannot imagine our son to be condemned to a life of suffering and precocious dead. Once more, cloning is here to protect us.

- In conclusion, we just want to say that reproductive cloning should be taken in order to improve human life, considering all the variables and consequences deriving from the act of cloning.

- After all is said and done, institutions such as the Centre for Genetic and Society believe that if all arguments are rationally considered we will conclude that there is more good than harm done.

Thank you.


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